5 fantastic ways to make Thanksgiving fun for children

Thanksgiving is a time for families to come together and express gratitude for the blessings in their lives.

However, it can sometimes be challenging to keep children engaged and entertained during this holiday.

To make Thanksgiving truly enjoyable for the little ones, it’s important to add some excitement and interactive activities to the mix.

Let me share with you 5 fantastic ways to make Thanksgiving fun for children, ensuring a memorable and joyous celebration for the whole family.5

child holding a happy thanksgiving sign

Engage in Thanksgiving Crafts

Crafts provide an excellent opportunity for children to unleash their creativity while learning about the holiday’s traditions.

Set up a crafting station with supplies such as construction paper, markers, crayons, and glue.

Encourage children to make Thanksgiving-themed crafts like handprint turkeys, paper pilgrim hats, or gratitude trees.

Display their creations as part of the Thanksgiving decorations, and let them proudly showcase their artistic talents to the rest of the family.

two children with construction paper leaf hats
Image Credit: Reader's Digest

Plan a Scavenger Hunt

Transform Thanksgiving into an exciting adventure by organizing a scavenger hunt.

Create a list of Thanksgiving-themed items or clues that children can search for around the house or in the backyard.

For example, they could look for autumn leaves, pinecones, or hidden paper turkeys.

Provide small rewards or treats for each successful discovery.

Not only will this activity keep children entertained, but it will also encourage them to explore and appreciate nature.

thanksgiving treasure hunt cards
Image Credit: The Housewife Modern

Involve Kids in Meal Preparation

Incorporate children into the Thanksgiving cooking process by assigning them age-appropriate tasks.

Younger kids can help wash vegetables, tear lettuce, or mix ingredients, while older children can assist with measuring, stirring, or setting the table.

This involvement not only makes them feel valued and accomplished but also teaches them valuable life skills.

Additionally, consider preparing some child-friendly dishes like turkey-shaped sandwiches or mini pumpkin pies that they can proudly present at the dinner table.

woman and little girl putting a turkey in the oven
Image Credit: Make it Grateful

Organize a Thanksgiving Talent Show

Put on a delightful Thanksgiving talent show where children can showcase their talents and entertain the family.

Encourage them to perform skits, sing songs, play musical instruments, or recite poems related to Thanksgiving.

Create a supportive and encouraging atmosphere where everyone can cheer and applaud each participant.

This activity not only promotes self-expression and boosts confidence but also creates lasting memories and laughter for everyone involved.

children on a stage with construction paper turkey hats
Image Credit: Prince Aveenue

Share Stories and Gratitude

Thanksgiving is the ideal time to emphasize the importance of gratitude.

Gather the family together and create a cozy storytelling corner where children can share what they are thankful for.

Encourage them to express their gratitude for family, friends, good health, or even their favorite toys.

This practice helps children develop a sense of appreciation and empathy.

To make it more engaging, consider using props, costumes, or puppets to bring their stories to life.

I am thankful book
Image Credit: Goodreads

By incorporating these five fantastic ideas into your Thanksgiving celebration, you can ensure a joyous and memorable experience for children.

Engaging in Thanksgiving crafts, planning a scavenger hunt, involving kids in meal preparation, organizing a talent show, and sharing stories of gratitude will not only keep children entertained but also teach them the values of creativity, teamwork, gratitude, and appreciation.

With these 5 fantastic ways to make Thanksgiving fun for children activities, Thanksgiving will become an exciting and meaningful holiday for the entire family to cherish for years to come.

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Hi, I’m Danielle!

I am the designer, writer and diy’er behind this blog. I enjoy decorating my home for practically nothing by doing most of the work myself, finding new and imaginative ways to make it beautiful and by watching for killer sales. I find humor almost anywhere and can laugh at myself through it all. I have learned that most projects don’t go exactly as intended, but can be more beautiful than the original plan.

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