secrets to a clean home

Welcome! Today, we’re diving into something every homeowner dreams of,  a clean and fresh living space, or what I like to call the secrets to a clean home.

We’re going to discover the tips and tricks for keeping your home looking wonderful while also promoting a healthier lifestyle.

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establish a routine

The key to a clean home is sticking to a routine

Try to include some daily, weekly, and monthly chores to keep your place looking great.

For example, making your bed every morning and spending a few minutes tidying up before you go to bed can make a big difference.

weekly cleaning checklist secrets to a clean home
My weekly cleaning checklist

prioritize frequent decluttering

Clutter can accumulate rapidly, making cleaning seem like a daunting task.

It has a way of piling up, and before you know it, cleaning can feel like an overwhelming chore.

So, to keep your home tidy, it’s crucial to make a habit of regularly going through your belongings.

Parting ways with items that you no longer need will go a long way to keeping your home clean.

Whether it’s by donating or discarding items, this practice can help prevent clutter from taking over your space.

Also, regularly reviewing your belongings and getting rid of or donating items you no longer need can help maintain a tidy home.

cluttered bedroom with bunk beds
apartment therapy

use good cleaning products

It is important to keep in mind that the effectiveness of your work often relies heavily on the tools you choose to use.

For this reason, it is wise to invest in cleaning products that are of high quality and also friendly to the environment.

These products should not only sanitize your spaces but also work to effectively remove unpleasant odors that can linger in your home.

When selecting cleaning materials it is essential to prioritize options that are safe for your family and do not harm the environment.

focus on high-touch areas

Cleaning the areas that people touch frequently regularly is very important.

You can significantly help to lower the chances of germs and bacteria spreading from one person to another.

It is a good practice to make sure that you focus on certain places that are commonly used.

Doorknobs, light switches, faucets, and countertops are the high-traffic areas in your home.

These spots tend to gather a lot of germs since many hands come into contact with them every day.

By cleaning these high-touch surfaces often, you can create a healthier home for yourself and those around you.

cleaning high-touch surfaces in the home
pro housekeepers

let fresh air in

Open those windows and turn on your air purifiers to give your space a breath of fresh air and say goodbye to unwanted smells.

Don’t forget to let in some fresh air now and then to keep your home feeling clean and inviting.

maintain your home

It is very important to regularly carry out maintenance tasks in your home and around your living space.
This includes activities like vacuuming the floors, dusting surfaces, and cleaning your appliances.
By performing these tasks routinely, you can prevent dirt and grime from building up over time.
Regular cleaning helps keep your environment fresh and pleasant and it also contributes to extending the lifespan of your appliances.
When you maintain your appliances properly and keep everything clean, they are likely to last longer and work more efficiently.
Therefore, make it a habit to incorporate these maintenance tasks into your routine.
appliance repair checklist secrets to a clean home
pro housekeepers

develop a system of organizing

Finding effective storage solutions is an important step in keeping your home organized and free of clutter.

One way to achieve this is by investing in various types of storage options that suit your needs.

These can include items such as sturdy shelves that provide ample space for your books and decorative items.

You might also consider using attractive baskets that can hold small items while adding a touch of style to your rooms.

Additionally, under-bed storage boxes can be a fantastic way to utilize space that often goes unused.

When everything has its place, it is easier for you to find what you need when you need it.

encourage a “shoes off” policy

Upon entering your home, it is advisable to remove your shoes at the door.

This simple habit helps to prevent the tracking in of dirt and bacteria, ultimately resulting in a reduced need for cleaning.

Remove shoes at the door to prevent tracking in dirt and bacteria.

This small change can significantly reduce the amount of cleaning you need to do.

Maintaining a fresh and clean home is a never-ending journey.

By implementing these tips, you’ll be well on your way to achieving a cleaner, healthier living space.

Remember, a clean home sets the stage for a more focused and stress-free lifestyle.

I am always looking for easier ways to clean my home.

Share your secrets to a clean home in the comments below!

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Hi, I’m Danielle!

I am the designer, writer and diy’er behind this blog. I enjoy decorating my home for practically nothing by doing most of the work myself, finding new and imaginative ways to make it beautiful and by watching for killer sales. I find humor almost anywhere and can laugh at myself through it all. I have learned that most projects don’t go exactly as intended, but can be more beautiful than the original plan.

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