Wow! I cannot believe that I am a runner! Me?! Really?!
It happened all rather innocently. You see, I had a job in the school system and my office was located within the buildings of a middle school. Just outside my office was a regulation-size running track.
Well, one day I decided to go for a walk – just to clear my head.
It was so enjoyable being outside hearing the birds and breathing the fresh air that I decided to set a time in my schedule to walk daily. The notion caught on and before I knew it, more people decided that it was a great idea also.
After about six months of this, I decided to schedule my walking time before work. I would get to the track by 5:00 a.m., walk for 20 laps (10,000 steps on my fitness tracker), and then take a shower and go to work. I did this for about a year and then one day I thought, I think I am going to try to run a lap!
It was so enjoyable being outside hearing the birds and breathing the fresh air that I decided to set a time in my schedule to walk daily. The notion caught on and before I knew it, more people decided that it was a great idea also.
After about six months of this, I decided to schedule my walking time before work. I would get to the track by 5:00 a.m., walk for 20 laps (10,000 steps on my fitness tracker), and then take a shower and go to work. I did this for about a year and then one day I thought, I think I am going to try to run a lap!
Well, that did not turn out so well. Ha! Then I thought, what if I run on the straight part of the track and walk on the curved parts?
Wouldn’t you know, that actually worked!
I did this for a couple of weeks and then decided to try to run a lap again.
It was great!!! Angels were singing “Halleluiah!”
So, for a while, I ran a lap and walked a lap until I was able to run the whole 20 laps.
This took about 6 months to achieve.
I was loving the whole get up at 3: a.m., get dressed and drive one hour to get to work. Then, run, shower and be ready for work by 7:30 a.m.
The hard part was getting to bed by 8:00 p.m. .
I loved the routine of running by myself in the dark so early in the morning. It was my “just for me” time.ssssssss
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