activities to enjoy with your family at Christmas

The Christmas season is a time for joy, love, and togetherness, and what better way to celebrate than by creating cherished memories with your loved ones?

Whether you’re looking to establish new traditions or explore festive activities, there’s an abundance of delightful activities to enjoy with your family at Christmas.

Let’s explore a few enchanting activities to help you make the most of the holiday season. Ready?!

Family Christmas presents
Image Credit: Focus on the Family

Decorate the Christmas Tree

Gather the family for the timeless tradition of decorating the Christmas tree.
Let each family member contribute by choosing ornaments, stringing lights, and adding a personal touch.
This collaborative effort will not only create a beautiful centerpiece for your home but also foster a sense of togetherness and shared joy.
two people decorating a Christmas tree
Image Credit: Blisspot

Bake Festive Treats

Embrace the aroma of freshly baked cookies, gingerbread houses, and other delectable holiday treats.

Spend an afternoon in the kitchen with your family, bonding over mixing, rolling, and decorating delicious goodies.

This activity is not only fun but also provides an opportunity to pass down treasured family recipes from one generation to the next.

a woman and 2 children baking in a kitchen
Image Credit: Kiddos Cook

Attend a Local Christmas Market

Explore the charm of a local Christmas market with your family.
Stroll through the twinkling lights, listen to carolers, and immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere.
The market’s various stalls offer a wide array of unique gifts, handmade crafts, and mouthwatering treats to satisfy everyone’s tastes.
Image Credit: Families Love Travel
Image Credit: Families Love Travel

Watch Christmas Movies

Curl up on the couch with a cup of hot cocoa and watch beloved Christmas classics together.

From heartwarming tales to humorous adventures, there’s a movie for every age.

Let the laughter and tears flow as you enjoy quality time together, snuggled under cozy blankets.

family watching a movie on a large screen Christmas
Image Credit: Town and Country Magazine

Volunteer and Give Back

Christmas is the perfect time to teach your family the importance of giving back to the community.
Engage in volunteer activities such as serving meals at a local shelter, participating in a toy drive, or visiting the elderly.
These acts of kindness not only make a positive impact on others but also instill a sense of gratitude and empathy in your children.
Woman and children serving food
Image Credit: Thought Co.

Create Handmade Decorations

Encourage your family’s creativity by making handmade Christmas decorations.
From paper snowflakes and garlands to salt dough ornaments, the possibilities are endless.
These personalized decorations will add a special touch to your home and serve as cherished keepsakes for years to come.
woman and children making art
Image Credit: Artful Parent

Enjoy Outdoor Activities

If you live in a snowy region, embrace the winter wonderland by engaging in outdoor activities.

Build snowmen, have snowball fights, or go sledding as a family.

This invigorating experience will not only provide exercise but also create lasting memories filled with laughter and joy.

Image Credit: Run Wild My Child
Image Credit: Run Wild My Child

Attend a Christmas Concert or Play

Immerse yourself in the magic of the season by attending a Christmas concert or play.

Local theaters and churches often host festive performances featuring carols, dance routines, and heartwarming stories.

Witnessing the talent and dedication of performers will inspire and uplift your family’s spirits.

people on stage performing Santa Claus
Image Credit: Knox News

Create a Family Time Capsule

Capture the essence of the present moment by creating a family time capsule.

Have each family member contribute personal items, handwritten notes, and small mementos that represent their experiences and aspirations.

Bury the capsule in your backyard and plan to open it in the future, reminiscing about cherished memories.

Create Homemade Christmas Cards

Encourage your family’s creativity by making personalized Christmas cards.

Gather craft supplies, including colored paper, glitter, and markers, and let each family member design their own unique cards to send to friends and relatives.

Image Credit: Country Living
Image Credit: Country Living

Christmas is the perfect time to gather with loved ones, create lasting memories, and indulge in the holiday spirit.

With the merry season just around the corner, planning fun-filled activities to enjoy with your family at Christmas will bring joy and togetherness to your family. 


Hi, I’m Danielle!

I am the designer, writer and diy’er behind this blog. I enjoy decorating my home for practically nothing by doing most of the work myself, finding new and imaginative ways to make it beautiful and by watching for killer sales. I find humor almost anywhere and can laugh at myself through it all. I have learned that most projects don’t go exactly as intended, but can be more beautiful than the original plan.

Re-Fabbed Boutique – Beautiful, quality clothing for women of all shapes and sizes!!