Do you ever look around your home and somehow feel…I don’t know…uninspired? Maybe your furniture is outdated or your color choices just don’t make the grade anymore? I TOTALLY get it!
That beloved piece that you just had to have 10 years ago looks so…10 years ago! Or that piece that was given to you by your grandmother that was given to her by her grandmother… what do you do with that?! Never feel so emotionally attached that you feel you can’t upgrade an heirloom. You can paint or reupholster that piece to bring it into the modern age. If that isn’t an option then regift it to your sibling or child to do with it what they will.

Being uninspired or “blah” about your home is an awful feeling! It’s like being stuck in a rut without knowing how to move forward.
What if you don’t know what your decorating style is? You know what you like, but when you put it all together it just looks so…disconnected. Is this you? ME TOO!!!!
What I have found to be truly helpful is Pinterest. It’s like window shopping without leaving the house! Take the room you would like to change. For me it was the living room. I started a new board on Pinterest titled “Living Room.” I know…how original! Anyways, I put living rooms in the search engine of Pinterest and began posting EVERYTHING I loved. Over 300 pins worth! EEEEEEE!!! NOW what?!

That’s a lot to go through, but I was determined to figure out my style. What were the commonalities in these pins? How did the pins make me feel or what emotions was I looking for?
You know what I found out (other than just my decorating style)? I gravitated towards open and airy, but not minimalist décor. More towards the feeling of “Aaahhh.” More rural-coastal and less urban-industrial.
I also noticed that I loved lots of color and a fun. energy quality. So rural, coastal, relaxed and fun energy quality.
Talk about your bi-polar décor! I prefer to call it “boho-coastal,” if that’s even a thing. Ha!
If you are not happy with the look of your home, just remember that you cannot do this all at once. It is a process. It takes time to get just the right mix of furnishings and décor items to get the “just right” look you are going for. You will make mistakes along the way.

You are never “done” decorating your home. It is an evolving process just as you and your family are always changing and evolving.
It may seem impossible to create the perfect environment for your home, but you can do this!
Put everything that you do not love into boxes and removed them from the room. You might absolutely love them in another room or maybe you might want to redo the discarded pieces. If not, donate, donate, donate.
What do you have left? What do you want to add? HomeGoods™ and AtHome™ are great places to shop if you know what you are looking for. Do not buy a piece just because you think it’s beautiful. This step will save you and your wallet a lot of heartache. If it doesn’t fit into the style you are trying to create, leave it on the shelf. It takes a ton of planning to have a beautiful home that looks natural and uncomplicated.
To help me with this, I have measured every window, drawer spaces, bathroom counter space, under sink space, pantry shelves, night stand tops, decorative shelves and closet spaces and have put them on my notebook app on my phone titled House Measurements.

Now I have everything I need to go shopping! Except…a budget. Have a budget in mind for your purchases or things can go awry quickly.
If you are replacing a big-ticket item such as a sofa or dining table, do your homework! Facebook Marketplace is a great source for finding the more expensive pieces, but make sure it fits in with your criteria (this is where the notebook app comes into play). Is it the right size, color or style you want for your room? If not, leave it. Even if the price is amazing!
I am excited to read your ideas on furnishing a beautiful home for the life you desire. I look forward to this journey with you! It has been a long time coming!
— Danielle