Part 3 – Once You Know Your Style
If you are like me, you can go into any home store such as HomeGoods and see SO MANY beautiful things!
Now, Should I buy it just because I love it? Maybe…but does it go with the atmosphere I am trying to create in my home?
If not, it will only cause a style of chaos in the room (think boy’s dorm room). Chaos is not a good thing in any situation.
Let me tell you, decorating anxiety is a real thing.

Filter out all the “things” that do not reflect your style.
For example, knowing that my style is coastal, an ornate curio cabinet you found at a garage sale might not be the best choice.
If it contradicts your decorating style even though I think it is pretty, is not a good choice.
Just because you love something doesn’t mean you have to take it home.
Next time you see something you absolutely love, ask yourself, “Will this look good in my home?
Does this fit into my decorating style?” If no, then it would be a waste of money to buy something that isn’t your style…sad, but true.

If you find that you love two types of styles (think back in part 2 with the married couple loving different styles), it is possible to combine them.
I would not go more than two types to avoid chaos.
Below is an example of Coastal Farmhouse decor. I love this so much!

Knowing your style is a difficult process and takes time to develop.
Avoiding decorating anxiety is
Decorating becomes so much easier once you narrow down what makes your house feel like home.
Tomorrow we will be discussing Dealing with Decorating Anxiety part 4 – Pick Your Biggest Decorating Problem.
We all want to live in a beautiful and safe home where you can relax and recharge from your day. Until then,