Decorating for Fall

Today I would love to share with you all the fun fall stuff I have in my home! Although I don’t usually go over the top with fall decorations, I’m saving myself for the Christmas explosion that happens in every room of my home… almost.

Although I love fall, I’m not usually ready to give up my summers.

This year I’ve taken a simpler approach to the season. I have made a lot of our décor out of garlands, found things (like pinecones) and decorations that I have used in the past.

I have painted inexpensive foam pumpkins, and am in the process of making a fall sign for the front porch (more on that to come).

I think it is so fun to come up with original décor out of things you already own.

Like the wreaths I have hung on my French doors in the living room.

I used two plain grapevine wreaths and attached leaves and berries cut from a fall garland that I bought last year, after season, for two dollars each! The wreaths themselves were seven dollars each after season.

Aren’t they great?!

I also did something similar for my front doors. I added some found objects such as these pinecones.

I bought a small bag of tiny pumpkins that were painted metallic. I painted over them with acrylic paint for a more “natural” look.

And some of the pumpkins I left metallic!  I think the combination looks great with my behemoth copper pumpkins!

This family of pilgrims just makes me smile.  A little kitsch to remind me not to take myself too seriously. 😊 

And of course, my dining room table centerpiece. I bought so many fall garlands last year, ya’ll!

Can’t forget the buffet! I think coastal goes with any season don’t you? 😉

However you decide to decorate your home for the holidays, make it fun and include all family members. Construction paper pumpkins and black cats use to adorn my home. I kinda miss those days.

Hi, I’m Danielle!

I am the designer, writer and diy’er behind this blog. I enjoy decorating my home for practically nothing by doing most of the work myself, finding new and imaginative ways to make it beautiful and by watching for killer sales. I find humor almost anywhere and can laugh at myself through it all. I have learned that most projects don’t go exactly as intended, but can be more beautiful than the original plan.

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