Make a fall-inspired book page leaf garland to decorate around your mantle or doorway.
It’s an easy DIY project you can make in no time. Yay!

You may remember the fall-inspire book page wreath I made using this leaf template.
I traced around a plastic leaf from my fall garland onto cardstock
I then used the cardstock leaf as my template to cut out all my other leaves.
You can also use a leaf from one of the trees in your yard.

book pages
brown paper
leaf template
pen or pencil
jute cord
darning (or yarn) needle
Coffee (of course)
I have a hot glue gun pictured, but decided not to use it after all*

I bought my jute cord from my local hardware store, but they also have it at Walmart.
This is a pretty hefty cord.
You can get by with a much lighter ot “skinnier” cord if you like.
This is what I had on hand.

Cut the desired cord length for the area you want it to hang.
I am making mine 10′ long to drape on my dining room shelves.
I used a large yarn needle to thread my jute onto.
You can poke holes in each leaf and hand thread the jute through, but that will take much longer.
You can get yarn needles anywhere they sell yarn.

Because I did not cut as many brown paper leaves as book page leaves, I decided to thread my leaves in a pattern (3 book page leaves and one brown paper leaf).
I also threaded every leaf with two holes and the opposite with one hole.
I like how the leaves lie on the cord this way (not so lined up, if you will).

I must admit, this project took longer than I thought, but I feel it was worth it.
It just looks so beautiful hanging from my shelves, Y’all!