handmade greeting cards
Have you ever wanted to make your handmade greeting cards?
I have always wanted to make my own handmade Christmas cards.
Yes, I still send out Christmas cards – 100 of them.
Christmas is extremely special to me and sending cards to family and friends, especially those I do not see throughout the year, is highly important.
Today, we will use a new technique to make a typical “run-of-the-mill greeting card.
If all goes well, I will start on those Christmas cards sooner than I initially hoped (fingers crossed).
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Make sure your acrylic stamp positioning tool is clean and dry.
Skipping this step could cause your finished design to turn out fuzzy.

Pick out a stamp and place it on your positioning tool (sticky side against the acrylic)

Position your card inside the positioning tool lining it up with your stamp.
Make sure you know which way your card is supposed to be facing (so you don’t stamp your card upside down).

Tape your card in place so it doesn’t shift.

Ink your stamp with your ink cubes, making sure to get plenty on the stamp and not on the background – this is why the smaller pads work best.

Place your stamp on your paper and press the stamp firmly against your card.
Open the positioning tool to see if your stamp came out fully inked.
If you find that there are spots not completely stamped, re-ink the stamp and press it once again against the paper.
That is the beauty of using this positioning tool.
You can re-ink and press in exactly the SAME spot! Yay!

There are many ways to ink your stamps.
I stamped my leaves in green without cleaning off the pink I used for the rose.
I used two different pinks for the flower and three different greens for the leaves.
I think placing the colors over each other gives your design more dimension.

This is how it looks finished.
I might color it in with colored pencils or maybe acrylic paint! Yay!

I love how this handmade greeting card turned out and the positioning tool is definitely a game changer!
I even decorated an envelope to match my card!
I seriously think I am going to try to hand-make my own Christmas cards this year!
It is the end of July right now, so I will have plenty of time if I start right away! Yay!

If you enjoyed this project, send me a comment!
I would LOVE to hear from you!
Hopefully, this will inspire you to make your own handmade greeting cards.