Home Decorating Trends That Stand the Test of Time

Home decorating trends as well as clothing fashion trends come and go because we as people are always evolving, it becomes hard to decide what is going to stay and what will fall by the wayside. Although, it has been said, that trends are cyclical, meaning that they repeat in a cycle. New retro is the old 1970’s and so forth. Home décor tends to follow fashion, or maybe fashion follows home décor. Either way the last decade has shown us trends that are promising enough to stay timeless, fingers crossed.

It may be difficult to keep up with the current trends, and maybe the current trends aren’t for you, but keeping your space fresh and inspiring is important for your health and well-being. As humans, we need to be inspired and stimulated to keep from being in a depressed state. Your home’s décor plays a very important role in keeping your mind stimulated.
Below are some examples of timeless home décor trends that will be showing up even more than ever:


First up is minimalism, or the “less is more” approach. Minimal décor follows the thinking that empty or “negative” spaces will make your home look bigger, cleaner and better. This photo from lightology.com shows a light, airy room with tons of natural light, organic plants and lighter wood tones. Additionally, you might end up doing less housework when your home’s layout is kept minimal. Furniture with modern, clean lines help to further the minimalistic approach. Zero clutter or knick-knacks of end tables help to keep your home looking fresh. It’s a beautiful thought, but not my taste.

Accent Colors

This trend is a little more difficult to nail down because colors change with the seasons and are taste specific. Keeping your home looking beautiful and up-to-date can be a little trickier. Accent colors are not limited to just wall paints. Textiles on furniture such as a sofa or accent chair or colorfully patterned pillows or lighting can act as accent colors. It is important to choose colors that really stand out.

Keep Your Décor Authentic

I know that empty space on walls can cause anxiety in some, but wall art is a genuine reflection of you and should not be taken lightly. Art should be chosen wisely and the colors need to “play nice” with the rest of the room. I have so many pieces that I really love, but if I put everything out at once, it would look like a flea market blew up at my house. I am fortunate enough, however, to have storage space in my attic so I can rotate my cherished items with the seasons. My home always looks fresh and the frequent change is stimulating to my senses. Just because you have plenty of tabletop surfaces does not mean that you must fill every inch with books or decorative items. Shop less, but always buy items that are high on quality and make a statement.

Quality Furniture

There are many trends that come and go, but decorating with quality pieces show that you have evolved out of the dorm room and into adulthood. Quality pieces do not have to cost a fortune. I have obtained beautiful, high quality wooden furniture from yard sales and online marketplaces. You need to be careful when shopping these places to make sure that you are getting the best quality and not painted particleboard.

Natural Lights

Nothing makes a home look tired, dirty and outdated than rooms that never see the light of day. Blackout drapes have their place, but natural light is imperative to good health and well-being. I have been in homes that have dark wood, walls and floors and on top of it, the drapes are always drawn. It feels depressing and claustrophobic and I seriously feel like crying! Nothing can beat the beauty and timelessness of natural lights filling the interior space of a home. Natural light feels happy and inspiring. Always go with window treatments that provide privacy but allows sunlight into your home. It is essential to give interior spaces a natural glow to help boost your mood.

I hope this inspires you to experiment with the newest trends as well as the tried-and-true home décor styles to give your space and your mood a much-needed lift! Spring is coming!

— Danielle

Hi, I’m Danielle!

I am the designer, writer and diy’er behind this blog. I enjoy decorating my home for practically nothing by doing most of the work myself, finding new and imaginative ways to make it beautiful and by watching for killer sales. I find humor almost anywhere and can laugh at myself through it all. I have learned that most projects don’t go exactly as intended, but can be more beautiful than the original plan.

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