This is the year I hope to get some of my “house goals” accomplished! I’m not sure why, but I feel more on top of things than I normally do. I’m so inspired by what my blogger friends are doing. I think their enthusiasm is contagious! Since I started this blog last May, I do not have house goals from last year to compare with, but here is what is on my list for this year is:
- Paint the living room, family room, hallway and kitchen
- Trim out the office and master bedroom windows with wood
- New carpeting in the guest room – hire this job out
- Resurface the master bathroom cabinet doors
- Surround the base of the island with board and batten trim
- Build outside furniture
I know that these are lofty goals for my budget, but I think if I take my time, wait for sales and do the work myself, that most of this is attainable. Of course, I want new counter tops and cabinets too, but I also want a pony (since I was 5)!
Making these small, but mighty upgrades this year is going to make a big difference in the look and feel of our home! I’m giddy just thinking about it!
There are small upgrades for every room in all skill levels and budgets! This is how I look for upgrades:
- Walk to the door of your room – looking down at the floor – DON’T FALL!!!
- Close your eyes, lift your head, open your eyes – what is the first thing your eyes see? Is it pleasing or not so much? If it’s pleasing move your eyes onto something else that is not so much.
- Look past the clutter and look hard at the details of the room.
There are easy fixes such as decluttering, painting the walls and the trim, replacing lighting, curtains, slipcovers or bed linens. These should be done first if possible. You might love your space and not have to go any further. If you have already done these things and you still are not happy with the outcome, look deeper. Look at flooring, crown molding and baseboards or any other architectural elements that might stick out, not in a good way.
Now, don’t try to fix everything all at once or you will wind up with a whole bunch of half-finished projects and a bigger mess than you started or is that just me? 🙄
See that 1990 border around my living room? As soon as I get a chance that is outta here!

Just remember Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is your home. I collect pictures of what I envision and sometimes I change that vision many times before I even start in my room. If you find something you really love, but cannot afford, look for ways to make it or something like it.

I have learned volumes fixing and sometimes “re-fixing” things in my home. Google and Pinterest are my best tools during this phase of designing.

Whatever you plan to do to upgrade your space, make sure it’s fun! This is your chance to be creative and expressive. If you are not into the current trends, don’t worry. Be yourself. Trends don’t usually last long anyway!
I look forward to seeing what you create! Please send me pictures of your finished projects or of your creative ideas. I look forward to hearing from you!
— Danielle