Hi, everybody! Have you ever looked through the pages of West Elm and thought, I can make one of those WAY cheaper than that!”?
That is precisely what happened!
I saw a vase of a similar style in their catalog for a ridiculous price.
I might not be rich, but I am also not stupid.
So, today I will show you how I made this minimalist vase.
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Start with a clean glass cylinder. You can find them most places.
I got this one on Amazon.

Next, I used Jenga-style blocks that I bought at the Dollar Tree!

Start lining your blocks like this.
Using hot glue, glue each block to the glass.
This is the only round you will need to glue to the glass.

Apply hot glue to the ends of each block where the next row rests.
Work your way around the glass cylinder until you get the desired look.
I only went part way up.
It would look great if you also did the whole cylinder.

Here is my finished piece. Super simple and only costs around $6.00 to make! Win!

I hope you enjoyed this post on how I made this minimalist vase and that it inspires you to have fun making your home your happy place.