A few years ago, I was in one of those expensive boutique shops on the gulf coast and fell in love with a vase made from sea glass.
It was a true work of art, and I will never forget how it made my heart leap in my chest.
Although I cannot truly recreate such a lovely piece, I can make something that will still make me happy…plus it won’t cost a fortune!
Let me show you how to make a coastal vase.
I added links to the items I used for this project, but use what makes your heart happy. 😊

First, make sure that all your glass surfaces are clean and dry (remove any labels and label residue with warm, soapy water).
Put Gorilla Glue on the flat side of your glass gem.

I tried to place my gems to look like a random design, but somehow it looks more “uniform” than I would have liked. I used mostly the clear and the opaque green gems with the white used iridescent gems scattered sparsely throughout. I would like to make another one with variegated blue gems.

This project is a little tricky to get the gems to stick without sliding down the sides of the vase. I used clear tape to help hold the gems in place until the glue is dry. I used 2 tubes of glue as wedges to hold the vase still. Worked like a charm! 😉

I let my vase set up for 24 hours before removing the tape just to be sure the gems would not slide.
And here she is all finished and ready to sparkle! Yay!

I love how this looks on my end table!
I am planning to buy a few peonies to put in this vase for my Spring décor.
I hope you were inspired by this project on how to make a coastal vase.
If you decide to make one of your own, I would love to see pictures!