how to make a cute ghost with cheesecloth and liquid starch

Halloween is just around the corner, and what better way to embrace the spooky season than by adding some ghostly charm to your decorations?

Creating ghosts with simple items from around your home is a fantastic and budget-friendly craft that will surely impress your friends and family.

Let me show you step-by-step how to make a cute ghost with cheesecloth and liquid starch.

So, let’s dive in and get ready to create some ghostly magic (que the ominous music)!

halloween cheesecloth ghost holding a tiny pumpkin
My version of this sweet little ghost

Materials Needed:

  • Cheesecloth
  • Liquid Starch
  • Balloons similar here
  • Glass Mason Jar with Ring (pint size)
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Cookie Sheet (to catch the drips)
  • Black Marker (to draw the eyes)
  • Mini Pumpkin from the DollarTree (optional)
liquid starch and cheesecloth
Materials needed for this project

Take your pipe cleaner and cut it in half using wire cutters.

Bend the ends slightly and hang them on the sides of your jar.

Screw the ring lid onto the jar keeping the pipe cleaners opposite each other. These will be the arms of your ghost.

cutting a pipe cleaner in half with wire cutters
Cut the pipe cleaner in half
a person holding two pipe cleaners with bent tips
Bend the ends
pipe cleaners attached to the sides of a pint glass canning jar
Hang on the edge of the jar
pipe cleaners attached to the sides of a pint glass canning jar with the ring lid how to make a cute ghost with cheesecloth and liquid starch
Screw the lid down to secure the pipe cleaners
Inflate your Balloon. Remember, the size of the balloon will determine the size of your ghost.
I used a 7 inch balloon, but inflated it only a little. I think a water balloon would have worked as well.
Place the balloon on top of the Mason jar squeezing it into the hole so it is secure and will not fall out.
Place the jar form on a cookie sheet to catch the excess starch and to keep cleanup easy.
small yellow balloon on the top of a glass pint canning jar
My ghostly form ready to go

Open the package of cheese cloth and cut into strips approximately 18 inches in length.

Pour the liquid starch into a container large enough to dip the cheesecloth. I used the starch at full strength and did not dilute.
Dip the cheesecloth into the liquid starch mixture, ensuring it is fully saturated. Gently squeeze the excess liquid out of the cheesecloth.
layering cheesecloth over a balloon and pint glass jar how to make a cute ghost with cheesecloth and liquid starch
First layer of starch-drenched cheesecloth
Drape the cheesecloth over the balloon form in a criss-cross pattern (front to back and side to side).
Make sure that the ends drape to the bottom. This will be how your ghost stands up.
Experiment with different layers and folds to achieve the desired effect.
Once the cheesecloth is draped over the balloons, gently shape the fabric to create the ghost’s body and head.
Play around with positioning over the pipe cleaner arms to achieve a spooky and flowing appearance.
 Allow the ghosts to dry completely. Depending on the room’s temperature and humidity level, this process may take several hours or overnight.
Once your ghost is dry, remove your cheesecloth ghost from the balloon and pipe cleaner structure.
layering cheesecloth over a balloon and pint glass jar
Second layer of starchy cheesecloth
layering cheesecloth over a balloon and pint glass jar
Fourth layer of cheesecloth
Now you can give your ghost some personality.
Use a black marker to draw eyes, a mouth, and other desired facial features.
Get creative and make each ghost unique!
I used hot glue to attach a sweet mini pumpkin to my ghost’s arms.
halloween cheesecloth ghost holding a tiny pumpkin how to make a cute ghost with cheesecloth and liquid starch
My sweet little cheesecloth ghost

Making these cute, but very cost-friendly little ghosts will really up your Halloween decorating game.

You can hang them from the ceiling with fishing line or even add a string of twinkle lights underneath for a tabletop spooky effect.

However you decide to use yours I am sure that they will look amazing at your next Halloween party.

Thank you for letting me show you how to make a cute ghost with cheesecloth and liquid starch.

Happy decorating!

Hi, I’m Danielle!

I am the designer, writer and diy’er behind this blog. I enjoy decorating my home for practically nothing by doing most of the work myself, finding new and imaginative ways to make it beautiful and by watching for killer sales. I find humor almost anywhere and can laugh at myself through it all. I have learned that most projects don’t go exactly as intended, but can be more beautiful than the original plan.

Re-Fabbed Boutique – Beautiful, quality clothing for women of all shapes and sizes!!