I know that when I first move into a new or new to me home, there is a feeling of excitement and my mind races with ideas of décor and how I plan to store my junk worldly possessions 😉.
There is also those times when I look at the home I have been living in for a while and feel that it has become “stale” or just blah. You too?! Well then, have I got an article for you!
We sometimes become “blind” to our surroundings and don’t realize that it is no longer an interesting or inspiring space. Let me tell you, there is little to nothing more miserable to our brains than living in depressed surroundings! Especially now that we are all in our homes more!
Our Master Bedroom before applying the article’s suggestions

I have come up with 5 things that are inexpensive and very satisfying to do.
1. Clean
First and foremost, give the area a deep clean. It might be easier to do this one room at a time. Maybe one room a day to keep you from being too overwhelmed (this works better for me). Once I deep clean a room, I have a checklist that I use to keep it that way. [Click here for cleaning checklist]
2. Declutter
This might be the hardest step for some. Knowing what to keep and what to get rid of is difficult especially if you tie emotions to things. For example: “I can’t get rid of… (insert item here) because it was given to me by my second cousins third wife on my dad’s side!” Although you have an emotional attachment to this item, if it doesn’t fit in the color scheme, style or feeling you are tying to give to the room, it might be best to donate the thing so someone else can love it.
Having too many of these objects can clutter a space in no time at all and you will start to feel like your things own you and not the other way around. I find it best to take a picture of the item, print it out and put it in an album with a description of what it means to you. This album can be placed in your room or on a bookshelf with your other prized belongings. I have such an album filled with pictures and descriptions. It makes me smile when I look at all the memories I have added to this little book!

3. Paint
Never under estimate the power of paint! It really doesn’t take much time or materials. A paint roller, roller handle, roller pan and paint brush are the only materials required. You can sometimes get this as a set for under $30. An old sheet can double as a drop cloth if you do not have a plastic one. A gallon of paint can cost anywhere from $25 to $50 depending on where you buy.
I have already taken paint chips (the little color papers you can get to see what the color looks like) from a pricey distributor and had the color matched by my trusty friends at Lowe’s for a much-discounted price!

Also, the higher the sheen or gloss the paint has, the higher the price. Gloss or “high” gloss is more than flat paint. That being said, the higher the gloss, the easier it is to wipe clean.
I was able to change my wall color from a dark teal to a more “spa” like grey green for under $30!
Grey Green paint
Sherwin Williams Sea Salt
4. Frame your Art/Photos
This one might sound obvious, but adding frames to your family photos as well as art pieces really raise the bar on how a room looks! Notice how I framed my watercolor pieces. It makes them look more like art than just papers leaning up against the wall (like the one the arrow is pointing to).
The watercolor artwork in this picture are available on the Printables page for you to download and print for FREE. Each watercolor is a original by Danielle.
5. Create Areas of Interest
This is also referred to as vignettes (a small grouping of objects that creates a pleasing focal point and “tells a story”). I love creating these throughout my home.
For instance, these picnic baskets paired with boat oars, and a lovely painting of a lighthouse by the water suggests an afternoon luncheon by the water. These are fun ways to display items you treasure.
Now if I just had these things laying around or piled up on top of other things, it would look confusing and messy. I was able to take things I love and display them with purpose. Yay!!!

I hope that I was able to help you add interest and “life” to your home! I am excited to read your ideas on furnishing a beautiful home for the life you desire. I look forward to this journey with you! It has been a long time coming!
— Danielle