How to Make Lavender-Vanilla Sugar Scrub

Have you ever tried the sugar scrubs in the ladies’ room of one of those fancier restaurants?  I have and let me tell you I was hooked!  Not only did my hands smell amazing, they felt really soft too! 

This scrub would make great gifts for Mother’s Day and for your child’s teacher!

The recipe I am going to share with you today is one of the easier ones I found.  I do not like cooking so, finding an easier recipe was right up my alley! 😉

This is the ingredients you will need:

2 Cups of Epsom Salts

1 Cup of Sugar

½ Cup of Coconut Oil (not pictured because I forgot to put it in) 🙄

2 Tbsp Clear Vanilla Extract

15 Drops of Lavender Essential Oil

Red and Blue Food Coloring– to make purple (also not pictured – UGH!)


This is the equipment you will need:

Glass Mixing Bowl – the food color might stain plastic

Metal or bamboo spoon – do not use wood because it might stain the spoon

Glass Measuring Cup – for the Coconut Oil

Dry Measuring Cup – for the dry ingredients

Tbsp measuring spoon

Mix the salt and sugar together in a glass mixing bowl.  Add the coconut oil.  If your coconut oil is solid, place the opened jar in a pan of hot water and let it sit until it is liquid.  Add the clear vanilla and mix thoroughly.  Vanilla that is brownish in color will make the finished scrub look grey instead of purple.  Add the essential oil and the food coloring (I used 6 drops of red and 6 drops of blue) and mix thoroughly to get the color all the way through.  This step is easier if you mix the scrub with your hands.  Plus, your hands will smell and feel great!  Win!!!

Put your finished product in fancy jars with screw lids.  I decorated my jars with fabric, ribbons and a cute tag.

I love how they turned out!  The whole house smelled amazing while making these!

I plan on giving these to my girlfriends for Mother’s Day!  They also make a great gift for your child’s teacher at the end of the school year! 

If you decide to make these, please send me a picture in the comments.  I would love to see it!


Hi, I’m Danielle!

I am the designer, writer and diy’er behind this blog. I enjoy decorating my home for practically nothing by doing most of the work myself, finding new and imaginative ways to make it beautiful and by watching for killer sales. I find humor almost anywhere and can laugh at myself through it all. I have learned that most projects don’t go exactly as intended, but can be more beautiful than the original plan.

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