Using a store-bought pillow cover, a star-shaped cookie cutter, and acrylic paint, you can make this patriotic star pillow cover in just one afternoon!
I love how mine turned out, but you can personalize it to fit your home decor.
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⭐Pre wash your pillow cover to remove any residue from the manufacturer.
⭐Place a newspaper or craft paper inside the pillow cover to keep your paints from bleeding to the backside.
⭐Plan out where you want your stars on the cover – I lightly drew mine with pencil. Don’t worry, though, the pencil washes right out.

⭐Pour out two shades of red on one paper plate and two shades of blue on the other.
⭐Dip your star cookie cutter into the paint and place it on the pillow cover.

⭐I then filled in my star design painting one half of the star with each tone of blue.

⭐I repeated the process with the red tones as well.

⭐After I painted all my stars, I let them dry for approximately 1-2 hours (depending on how thick I applied the paint).
⭐Taking my fine line marking pen, I loosely drew around each star.
I like how the lines look a little “wonky” around the stars.

And here she is all finished and proudly displayed in my living room.
I LOVE this patriotic star pillow cover, don’t you?
Once your paint is dry, it is safe to machine wash and dry without worry. Yay!
You can find other summer home decor ideas here.