sheet music christmas tree

I am in love with all things Christmas and with that being said, Christmas trees are way up on the list of my favorite holiday decorations! I have been collecting all kinds of Christmas trees for literally years! I have trees that light up and sparkle with glitter. I have wood, paper, metal, cloth, felt, glass and plastic trees. I love to make winter scenes using my trees as backdrops with snow covered houses or one of my nativity sets. So, this Christmas tree project is really special to my heart.

I used sheet music paper, but book pages would look great also!

sheet music needed for this christmas tree project
I chose "Silent Night"


Cardboard or paper Mache cone

Elmer’s Glue

Good quality Paper

Paper Cutter


Wood star-shapes cutouts (optional)

sheet music christmas tree materials

Using scissors or a paper cutter, cut strips of paper crosswise (not lengthwise) about an inch and a half wide. This way you will be able to see the words or music notes on your finished piece. Next, take your scissors and cut fringe along the long the bottom edge of your strip of paper (see pic). Curl your fringe like eyelashes. I like to cut and fringe a lot of paper before gluing to the cone. I get a better feel for how much paper I will need this way.

sheet music christmas tree

Starting at the bottom of your cone, glue strips into place in rows. Layer the next row on top of the previous row making sure that the cone is not visible underneath. Cut or tear the paper at the ends of each row to fit (do not overlap – It is pretty noticeable if you do).

sheet music needed for this christmas tree project

Work your way up the cone until you get to the top. I like to add a wood star shaped cutout at the top of my tree and ta-da! You are done! Super simple, right?!

I have 3 sizes of cones I like to glue my strips to. They look so good sitting all together on a shelf! These also sell really well at craft shows! 😉

I hope you enjoyed this sheet music Christmas tree project! I know I really did!

sheet music christmas tree
my signature

Hi, I’m Danielle!

I am the designer, writer and diy’er behind this blog. I enjoy decorating my home for practically nothing by doing most of the work myself, finding new and imaginative ways to make it beautiful and by watching for killer sales. I find humor almost anywhere and can laugh at myself through it all. I have learned that most projects don’t go exactly as intended, but can be more beautiful than the original plan.

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