If I have learned anything over the past 30 years or so is that it is crucial that we take care of our homes! And taking care of a home is never ending…like stringing beads without a knot on the end! Lots and lots of work! I would like to tell you about the lessons I have learned along the way about taking care of your home.

I used to think that owning and living in a home was easy. I mean it’s a physical structure in which you live in to keep out of the elements, right?! WRONG!!! It is so much than that! It is a place that is all yours. A place to raise and nurture your family. A safe haven away from some of the ugliness of the world.

Your home requires as much attention as you can give. And we’re not just talking decorating here. Keeping up with the maintenance of your house can save you major money down the road.
Listen to what your home is telling you. The creeks and groans and drips and squeaks. They all mean something and it usually has a dollar sign in front of it. Those dollar signs will get bigger the longer you ignore the warning signs!

Your home requires constant attention just like a child. It is an ever-changing structure that needs upkeep as it transforms with your family.
Take inventory of each room. Is the carpet getting worn or does it smell of pets or spilled food? These are sometimes things we don’t notice because we are around them all the time. What does the commercial call it…being “nose-blind?” Changing your carpeting could be a major upgrade with little cash required. It also could save you from having to replace the floor underneath from neglect

With both of our homes I have learned to follow YouTube videos on how to DIY repairs. From simple plumbing (fixing a toilet) to repairing a roof. It gives one great confidence when a job goes well. And will deflate that confidence when you have to call a professional to help. Ha!

We all want to live in a home that is well cared for and we all want a return on our investment if we decide to sell it someday.
I love decorating my home and I would love nothing more than spending my home repair budget on new furniture or lighting. But I also know the importance of keeping up with the maintenance on our home. Oh to be independently wealthy!