The Perfect Rose Valentine Wreath

The Perfect Rose Valentine Wreath

It is only a few weeks from Valentine’s Day, and I need the perfect wreath(s) for my French dining room doors. 

I looked at so many ideas from Pinterest, but this wreath has to be perfect and by perfect, I mean easy, elegant, and inexpensive to make. 😉

After going down the “rabbit hole” of Pinterest (when you scroll for hours without coming up for air), I found this gorgeous rose wreath! 😍

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A girl sitting behind a table with a wire form on the table The Perfect Rose Valentine Wreath
watch the video here

Here is the list of materials and tools for this project.


  • 40  Artificial Flowers
  • Heart Wreath Frame
  • Hot Glue Sticks
  • Medium weight felt
  • Fancy Ribbon


  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Sharpie Marker
  • Scissors

Place your heart-shaped wreath form right side up on top of your felt. Since 

I only had smaller felt sheets, I needed to “piece” my felt pieces together.

I will glue these pieces together at the end of this project.

This will give the wreath a more finished look.

I am putting this on a French door with glass, so it will need to look good on both sides.


My foam roses came with a stem, but it was easily removed but pulling it straight out.


I started by hot gluing two roses together, then gluing them to the wire frame.

Be careful not to burn your fingers…ask me how I know! OUCH!


On a side note, my nails look terrible! Oh well, I hope to take care of that soon. Lol.

Continue to glue your roses in pairs. 

I glued my roses in tightly, so no light would shine through. 

I like this look the best, but make this your favorite way. 😊


Once your glue is set, flip your wreath over and hot glue your felt.

Cut a length of pretty ribbon for a hanger. Let glue dry and hang this beauty in a place of honor in your home. Yay!


I think it turned out absolutely stunning!


If you decide to make this, I would LOVE to see a picture of it displayed in your home.

If you have any ideas on how you would make this differently, I would love to see them.

Maybe together, we can have a home we love and enjoy living in! Yay!

Hi, I’m Danielle!

I am the designer, writer and diy’er behind this blog. I enjoy decorating my home for practically nothing by doing most of the work myself, finding new and imaginative ways to make it beautiful and by watching for killer sales. I find humor almost anywhere and can laugh at myself through it all. I have learned that most projects don’t go exactly as intended, but can be more beautiful than the original plan.

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