Three Ingredient Best EVER Diy Shaving Soap

End Product of DIY Shaving Soap
This recipe is so easy!  It only takes three ingredients!  If you have baking soda, liquid Castile soap and water, you have the makings of a shaving soap so decadent you might want to eat it!  I wouldn’t advise it though.  Ha!

Somewhere around the middle of May, I start looking for things to make for my husband for Father’s Day.  It’s not that men are hard to shop for…well, maybe it is or maybe they just don’t really care for homemade gifts.  I’m not talking about the sweet presents that our children make for us when they are small.  Those will always be a cherished item.  I mean the gifts that you get from your grown children and your wife.  Men just aren’t into fancy beauty creams or scrubs that smell like lavender.  Although they do love homemade food gifts like chocolate chip cookies or those cinnamon glazed almonds.  My husband loves my fried chicken.  So, of course I will be making that!  😉

This year I thought that I would try my hand at something a little unexpected.  Why not make something that he uses all the time?  Something that makes an everyday task seem a little special.  How about a smooth and creamy shaving soap with a lather that is just to die for?  Heck, I might throw a little lavender essential oil in a batch just for me!  Not kidding!

This is what you will need to make this amazing shaving soap


¾ cup baking soda (I had to use a 1/2 cup and a 1/4 measure because I didn’t have a 3/4 cup measuring cup)

1 cup liquid Castile Soap

1 ½ cups water


Emersion Blender

Stock Pot 8 quarts or larger

Rubber spatula

Slotted spoon

Small mixing bowl


Combine all three ingredients in the stock pot and cook on medium high stirring constantly, but slowly until foam expands to just below the rim of the pot. 

This only takes a few minutes so be on guard!  Remove from the stove to an empty side of the sink. I use the sink because I have had a few batches foam up and over the sides causing a big mess. ☹

Let the mixture cool for 4 hours.  The foam will shrink down to a thick, gooey substance leaving a watery sludge underneath.

Using a slotted spoon, scoop the gooey solid part into a small mixing bowl.  Throw the watery sludge away.  It is no longer good for cleaning due to all the “soap” part being turned into a solid during cooking.

Take the cooled mixture and place it into a mixing bowl.  

Use the emersion blender to whip the mixture, moving the blender up and down until the mixture is rich and creamy.

Whipping the Shaving Soap

Store in a tightly sealed container, preferably not glass if you want to keep it in the shower.  Your shaving soap will dry out if not tightly sealed.  Properly sealed, it should last up to 2 weeks.

Shaving Soap Finished

If your shaving soap feels a little “stiff,” stir it with your finger or use the emersion blender again and it will be good as new!

This soap works best on wet skin to work up a good lather.

This soap is so easy to make and only takes a few minutes to cook and blend.  The hardest part is waiting the 4 hours to let it cool!

If you decide to make this soap, I would love to see how it turns out!  I plan on putting mine in cute little jars with a “manly” label on the lid. 

Well, I really enjoyed sharing this recipe with you!  You might like it so much that you won’t want to share.  Just mix it with a little of that lavender oil! 😉

Until next time,


Hi, I’m Danielle!

I am the designer, writer and diy’er behind this blog. I enjoy decorating my home for practically nothing by doing most of the work myself, finding new and imaginative ways to make it beautiful and by watching for killer sales. I find humor almost anywhere and can laugh at myself through it all. I have learned that most projects don’t go exactly as intended, but can be more beautiful than the original plan.

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