tips to prepare for Christmas early this fall (and why you’ll be glad you did)

Does Christmas always sneak up on you before you’re ready? Here are a few tips to prepare for Christmas early this fall.

It may seem too early to start thinking about Christmas. However, taking a proactive approach and preparing for the holiday season ahead of time can save you from last-minute stress and allow you to fully enjoy the festive spirit.

Let’s explore some valuable tips to help you prepare for Christmas early this fall and explain why you’ll be glad you did.

Create a Realistic Holiday Budget

One of the most important aspects of preparing for Christmas is setting a budget.
Start by making a list of all the potential expenses, including gifts, decorations, food, and travel.
By establishing a budget early on, you can allocate funds accordingly, avoid unnecessary overspending, and prevent financial stress as the holiday season approaches.
Christmas planner banner
Image Credit: Amazon

Make a Gift List and Start Shopping

Begin by creating a comprehensive gift list for your loved ones.
Take the time to brainstorm thoughtful gift ideas for each person, considering their interests and preferences.
By starting your shopping early, you can take advantage of sales, discounts, and promotions, ensuring you find the perfect gifts while saving money.
Additionally, early shopping allows for more thoughtful and personalized gifts, as you have ample time to explore different options.
Christmas shopping gift list banner
Image Credit: Amazon

Plan and Decorate in Advance

Get a head start on your holiday decorations by planning your theme and color scheme in advance.

Take inventory of your existing decorations and make a list of any new items you may need.

By shopping for decorations early, you can avoid the holiday rush and ensure you have everything you desire to create a festive atmosphere.

Start decorating gradually, enjoying the process rather than rushing through it, and savor the joy of the season.

woman decorating a Christmas tree in her living room
Image Credit: Better Homes and Gardens

Schedule Holiday Events and Gatherings

The holiday season is often filled with parties, family gatherings, and events.

Take the initiative to plan and schedule these events early.

By doing so, you can avoid conflicts and ensure that your loved ones can mark their calendars in advance.

Whether it’s hosting a Christmas dinner or organizing a gift exchange, early planning allows for a smoother and more enjoyable holiday experience for everyone involved.

December 2023 calendar
Image Credit: Homemade Gifts Made Easy

Embrace Online Shopping

The convenience of online shopping cannot be overstated, especially during the busy holiday season.

Make use of online platforms and take advantage of early deals and discounts.

Shopping online allows you to compare prices, read reviews, and find unique gifts that may not be available in local stores.

Plus, you can avoid crowded malls and long checkout lines, saving time and reducing stress.

woman shopping online on a laptop with wrapped presents all around
Image Credit: Organizing Moms

Spread out the Holiday Tasks

Instead of leaving everything until the last moment, try spreading out holiday tasks throughout the fall season. Engage in small, manageable tasks each week, such as writing holiday cards, wrapping gifts, or baking cookies. This approach allows you to enjoy the process, reduce stress, and leave more time for cherished moments with loved ones during the actual holiday season.

a person signing a Christmas card
Image Credit: The Spruce

By preparing for Christmas early this fall, you can save yourself from the rush, stress, and financial strain that often accompany the holiday season.

Taking a proactive approach allows you to fully embrace the joy and magic of Christmas, creating lasting memories with your loved ones.

So, start planning, budgeting, and shopping ahead of time, and you’ll be glad you did when the holiday season arrives.


Hi, I’m Danielle!

I am the designer, writer and diy’er behind this blog. I enjoy decorating my home for practically nothing by doing most of the work myself, finding new and imaginative ways to make it beautiful and by watching for killer sales. I find humor almost anywhere and can laugh at myself through it all. I have learned that most projects don’t go exactly as intended, but can be more beautiful than the original plan.

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